Saturday, November 17, 2018

Once within a Lowly Stable

Music Source: Children's Songbook - 41

Disclaimer: I haven't had a chance to play this one with my primary yet.  I do proof each chart after I finish it, but sometimes errors do slip through.  There may be words or notes that are incorrect.  If you find an error, please let me know.

Pages: 6

Required Bells:



Once within a Lowly Stable PDF


  1. Is the F# a separate bell or do you do something to the F bell to get it to play sharp?

    1. Hi Tiff, I'm sorry it has taken me so long to respond. The F# is a separate bell. The set of sharps is bought separately from the base 8 note set. If you don't have the sharps, you can generally skip those notes. It won't be super noticeable if you're singing and the note isn't played very often. Either way the kids still have fun.
