Friday, April 12, 2019

Jesus Has Risen

Jesus Has Risen

Music Source: LDS Children's Songbook - 70

Disclaimer: I haven't had a chance to play this with my primary yet.  I do proof each chart after I finish it, but sometimes errors do slip through.  There may be words or notes that are incorrect.  If you find an error, please let me know.

Pages: 5

Required Bells:  



Jesus has risen,
Jesus, our friend.
Joy fills our hearts;
He lives again.
Praises we sing to him,
This Easter-time.
Jesus has risen,
Savior divine.
Jesus has risen,
Savior divine!

I Feel My Savior's Love

I Feel My Savior's Love

Music Source: LDS Children's Songbook - 74

Disclaimer: I haven't had a chance to play this with my primary yet.  I do proof each chart after I finish it, but sometimes errors do slip through.  There may be words or notes that are incorrect.  If you find an error, please let me know.

Chart - 8
Music - 5

Required Bells:





  1. 1. I feel my Savior’s love
    In all the world around me.
    His Spirit warms my soul
    Through ev’rything I see.
  2. He knows I will follow him,
    Give all my life to him.
    I feel my Savior’s love,
    The love he freely gives me.
  3. 2. I feel my Savior’s love;
    Its gentleness enfolds me,
    And when I kneel to pray,
    My heart is filled with peace.
  4. He knows I will follow him,
    Give all my life to him.
    I feel my Savior’s love,
    The love he freely gives me.
  5. 3. I feel my Savior’s love
    And know that he will bless me.
    I offer him my heart;
    My shepherd he will be.
  6. He knows I will follow him,
    Give all my life to him.
    I feel my Savior’s love,
    The love he freely gives me.



Music Source: LDS Children's Songbook - 96

Disclaimer: I haven't had a chance to play this with my primary yet.  I do proof each chart after I finish it, but sometimes errors do slip through.  There may be words or notes that are incorrect.  If you find an error, please let me know.

Pages: 6

Required Bells:



  1. 1. Faith is knowing the sun will rise, lighting each new day.
    Faith is knowing the Lord will hear my prayers each time I pray.
    Faith is like a little seed:
    If planted, it will grow.
    Faith is a swelling within my heart.
    When I do right, I know.
  2. 2. Faith is knowing I lived with God before my mortal birth.
    Faith is knowing I can return when my life ends on earth.
    Faith is trust in God above;
    In Christ, who showed the way.
    Faith is strengthened; I feel it grow
    Whenever I obey.