Friday, April 13, 2018

Where Love Is

I had my kids sing Where Love Is with my senior primary playing the handbells as well for Mothers' Day last year.  It was beautiful.  The simple,slow melody makes this a great song to play handbells with kids and the bells accentuate without being distracting.  I loved it, and the members of my ward did as well.  I highly recommend it for a Mothers' Day musical number.

Music Source:  LDS Children's Songbook - 138

Pages: 15

Required Notes:



Where Love Is PDF - recommneded
Where Love Is PUB - requires Publisher to open but allows you to edit

Handbell Tip: Handing out bells for a performance.

When playing a handbell song in sacrament meeting, getting the right bells to the right kids in a reverent, timely manner is the most challenging part.  I've tried a few different methods before settling on one that works really well.  Before sacrament meeting I line the bells up on the floor in front of the stand with a sticky label with each child's name on the floor next to each bell.

When we practice the song in the weeks leading up to the performance I line the bells up with the labels the same way at the back of the primary room so the kids can learn where their bell is located in the lineup.  I tell them to remember where they are and who they are standing next to.  This way when they come up in sacrament meeting to play they can go right to their bells.

I have all the kids line up, get their bells and then walk to where they can see the music.  I instruct them to hold the bells against their bodies while we are getting set up to play, so the bells can't make any sound until we are ready to play the song.

To make the labels I use Avery Printable Mailing Address Labels, so I don't have to write out all the names.  When I need a new sheet, I can simply print a new one.

I also make a spreadsheet of all children playing along with which bells they are using.  That's the order the bells go in on the floor.  I put the bells in the order in the case before I go to church.  This makes set up quick and easy.

So in this scenario, I would have the bells set up starting with A on the left and then A#, C,... With the nametags Emma, Eli, James,... next to them.  I would also have the bells in this order in their case, as well as the nametags being printed in the same order on the return labels.  This way I can just go down the line and set them up without trying to figure out what goes where.  I do double check against the sheet as I go to make sure the nametags are all next to the correct bells.

Want more handbell tips as well as simple activities for teaching and review?  Look for them at the bottom of each post, or check out the complete list here.

I also have a freezer meals blog! After my third child was born I felt like a spent all my time either cooking or cleaning the kitchen, so I started doing Once a Month Cooking.  I cook a lot of food every 1 to 3 months.  Then we eat the meals I made from the freezer in between.   It has made my life a lot easier, and I blog about it at A Very Large Bowl.  Check it out!

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