Friday, February 1, 2019



Music Source: LDS Children's Songbook - 100

Disclaimer: I haven't had a chance to play this with my primary yet.  I do proof each chart after I finish it, but sometimes errors do slip through.  There may be words or notes that are incorrect.  If you find an error, please let me know.

Pages: 3

Required Bells:



  1. 1. Jesus came to John the Baptist,
    In Judea long ago,
    And was baptized by immersion
    In the River Jordan's flow.
  2. 2. "To fulfill the law," said Jesus,
    When the Baptist questioned why,
    "And to enter with my Father
    In the kingdom up on high."
  3. 3. Now we know that we must also
    Witness faith in Jesus' word,
    Be baptized to show obedience,
    As was Jesus Christ, our Lord.


  1. Hey! Thanks for making these! I believe the A should be a G#. If I'm wrong, just disregard the comment😊 Also, would you play these with or without the piano accompaniment?

    1. You're right! Thanks for pointing it out. I've corrected the error. I always play them with piano accompaniment.
